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You know that Childbirth is a

Sacred & Joyous

Rite of Passage

Now learn how you can transform the paradigm of birth...

from pain to PLEASURE !

If you support families in the journey through pregnancy, birth and postpartum (or want to) I invite you to..


Do you...

Want your clients to experience birth as the natural and ecstatic rite of passage it was meant to be?

Desire new tools to elevate birth experiences and outcomes, so mothers have empowering and joyful experiences?

Feel committed to revolutionizing birth from fear and victimization to a sacred and liberating portal?

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Join the only practitioner training program to focus on YOUR embodiment of the most holistic birthing tool there is: PLEASURE

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Deep in your womb you know and honor the power and significance of childbirth as a sacred rite of passage. Thank you.

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But it can, quite honestly, feel DRAINING and DEPLETING to witness the widespread pain and trauma currently prevalent in birth over and over and over again.

In a culture where women are still fighting to reclaim autonomy and safety in our own bodies, where fear dominates our options and guides our decisions, and our religious and cultural inheritance maintain that women should suffer in birth, transforming the culture of birth is no small task. It is not enough to hold the vision for highest outcomes.  It is not enough to have the support skills.

You must tend to YOU and your body to be truly effective in your transmisssion.

We are overdue for a change. And NOW is that time.

Become a part of the global movement to elevate consciousness and experiences in childbirth. 

There are Ecstatic Birth Practitioners in 25+ countries.

Are you with us?

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I am so grateful to Sheila for creating such a fantastic course for women; she is a knowledgeable, radiant, and attentive teacher. THANK YOU SHEILA,❤️🙏

Nadiya Williams,Pelvic Floor Specialist USA

The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training will transform your business and how you work with expectant Mothers:

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You will lead your client

As an Ecstatic Birth Practitioner, not only will you have more knowledge, skills and resources to elevate outcomes for your client, you will be able to transmit safety, relaxation, flow and even pleasure with your energy and presence.

Your body is central in guiding your path as you follow your PLEASURE to stand as a leader and visionary in the empowerment of mothers and the next generation!

...while nourishing YOU- your body & your spirit!

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How being an Ecstatic Birth Practitioner works

You'll support your clients in new ways, like:

Reorient from pain to pleasure

Taking the attention away from avoiding or managing pain, you will focus on bringing in more pleasure to elevate birth.

Body First

Connecting with the body rather than dissociating is key. Your intuition will magnify as will your clients' access to their deep primal birthing wisdom.

Birth as a Sexual act

You will have the knowledge, training and practices to support clients in honoring the integrative nature of birth and sex.


Your embodiment of pleasure allows you to transmit oxytocin flow to your clients, elevating birth experinces through your presence.

And your business will expand in new ways, like:

differentiate & Grow your practice   

Your business will be rebirthed with the conscious cultivation of pleasure. Your clients will have better outcomes and YOU will be more nourished.

Become a leader among leaders

Ecstatic Birth is the cutting edge of birth work. Your colleagues will be curious, want to learn more and turn to you for support.

lean into a global collaborative community

Intimate connection with other visionary practitioners offers ample opportunity for collaboration and inspiration.

There are two paths you can choose from to become an Ecstatic Birth Practitioner:

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Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training 

This includes all the core components of the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner training, a deep dive into all the theory, mindset shifts, tools, and practices of Ecstatic Birth preparation and support.  The core curriculum is created to be transformative for you professionally AND personally, as you "rebirth" yourself and become certified as an Ecstatic Birth Practitioner. It takes 12 months to complete and opens for enrollment 2 times a year.

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- VIP -

Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training + Advanced Leadership Training

For 10 highly motivated women fully committed to differentiating their birth business, becoming a leader among leaders, and making a significant impact in transforming the culture of birth, the VIP Advanced Leadership track is our most hands on and supportive option. It offers 4 layers in one:  The core curriculum, business coaching, personalized embodiment training and a leadership mastermind. 

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Testi - Dr Christiane N

"Sheila, it is you and your contemporaries who have caught the torch that I have been holding high since I was 22!!! It's nice to rest my arm a bit now - and see the torch shining even brighter!!!"

Dr. Christiane Northrup

Women's Wellness Advocate, NYT Best Selling Author, OB/GYN

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What you will get from the
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"So much!!! So much inspiration, expansion, release. I learned what it means to truly love myself, to reclaim my pleasure, to focus on living from a state of turn on.

The knowledge I've received + embodiment I've learned has not only helped transform my life, but will also help the countless birthing women and mamas to whom I'll pass this on to."

Jenny Braxton

Birth Visionary, Community Leader & Educator Oregon, US

"No longer seeing women as victims in the labour wards. That is HUGE for me. I am understanding that all I need to do is embody the alternative I believe in. And that can only be pleasurable.

This training is also encouraging me to pleasure the other aspects of myself. Not just the doula but the creator and the mover. Which I am so thankful for."

Samara Concepcion

Birth Doula, Somatic Movement Specialist London, England

"Clarity. Understanding that I am responsible to nourish my soul and listen to her. Listen to my body and honor that as opposed to doing what I think I should do based on outer expectations or a belief in something that doesn't resonate with my deepest truth. Speaking up more about what's possible for birth and what my truth is."

Debra Samadhi Woods

Birth & Postpartum Doula, Childbirth Educator Vancouver, CA

"The knowledge and the skills to further elevate the experience of birth for my clients all the while maintaining my bliss and pleasure throughout the peaks and valleys of childbirth!!

As a woman, I feel an even greater sense of love, passion, admiration, appreciation, and respect for myself and my body as well as of those of other women."

Sharon Arazi

Birth Doula and Midwife's Assistant New York, US

How it works...
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Core Curriculum

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The curriculum is desined to be both professionally and personally transormative. Each month you receive a new module of materials available online, on demand, including videos, transcripts, worksheets, and body practices.

You personally do all the practices and embody the gifts of pleasure so that you can be truly effective when you share them with your clients.

You gain powerful skills to better help your clients experience birth as the natural and ecstatic rite of passage it was meant to be, while simultaneously nourishing your own body while you support your clients rather than draining it.

To support your fullest integration, there are monthly live gatherings and coaching calls with Sheila for each module as well as monthly community connection calls with graduates of the program.

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Module 01: The Practitioner's Role

Pleasure is the most holistic birthing tool there is and yet it is rarely introduced as a viable option in birth by practitioners to their clients. We discuss the benefits of pleasure in birth preparation and planning and explore the spectrum of ways in which we can use pleasure to support expectant moms.

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Module 02: Foundations for ecstasy

We lay the foundations for Ecstatic Birth Training both for ourselves as practitioners and for our clients, exploring the paradigm of Ecstatic Birth, the key defining factors, the varying spectrum of client needs and aligning ourselves with the best possible outcomes for all.

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Module 03: Embodied Empowerment

In this session, we explore the language of the body and its connection to our intuitive feminine nature. The sensation of pleasure is explored as an integral part of this landscape and as a unique and fundamental birthing tool.

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Module 04: Integrating Pleasure

Pleasure is the most holistic birthing tool there is, supporting the flow of labor and delivery.  We explore the different modalities of accessing pleasure from outside of our bodies during the various stages of labor and delivery.

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Module 05: Opening to Pleasure

Pleasure has enormous potential as both tool and outcome in the birthing process, a circular supportive connection that we can hone in on and prepare for personally and to support in our clients. We explore the different modalities of expanding and accessing the pleasure within to enable us to hold the "tone" for Ecstatic Birth and teach our clients to do the same.

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Module 06: Body Integration

This month we focus fully on our somatic training and embodiment practices. You will receive short daily exercises to explore your connection to your body, your inner wisdom, and accessing the limitless pleasure that is always flowing within.

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Module 07: Disarming Fears

Every birthing mom has fears. Every practitioner has fears. Fears are as much a natural part of the birthing process as being alive. This month we learn strategies to disarm fears so that they are not the governing factor, disrupting the birthing processes.

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Module 08: Dancing with the Unexpected

elHow can we transform unexpected scenarios and outcomes in birth into our (and our clients') point of power? How can we learn to play with the unexpected rather than fear it? Birth, like life, doesn't always go to plan. In this module, we learn how to dance with the unexpected, taking our pleasure and power regardless of what the process brings.

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Module 09: Client Roadmap

Now that you have the basis of Ecstatic Birth prep, how can you incorporate it into your client work? This month you will receive a curriculum map and suggested workflow for sharing information and practices, with both private clients and groups.

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Module 10: Transforming the Culture

Now that you have the basis of Ecstatic Birth prep, how can you incorporate it into your client work? This month you will receive a curriculum map and suggested workflow for sharing information and practices, with both private clients and groups.

Testi - Regena T

"The voice of Sheila Kamara Hay is both wanted and needed in the world of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. She is helping women to redefine the birth experience and make birth into their own powerful evolution. I love her work and her commitment to women!"

Regena Thomashauer

Founder of Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts NYT Best Selling Author of P*ssy, a Reclamation

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How it Works

Our Guest Teacher Faculty

Our training features trail-blazing, thought leading and highly experienced experts in over 50+ on demand lessons, masterclasses and workshops.
01 - Sheila Kelley
Sheila Kelley

Body Connection through Movement

02 - Sarah Buckley
Sarah Buckley

Oxytocin, Birth & Ecstasy

03 - Sheri Winston
Sheri Winston

Pleasure Anatomy & Trance States

04 - Debra Pascali-Bonaro

Orgasmic Birth & Sex after Baby

05 - Aviva Romm
Aviva Romm

Nourishment in Pregnancy & Beyond

06 - Mama Gena
Mama Gena

The Power of Pleasure in Creation

07 - Ina May Gaskin
Ina May Gaskin

The "Mother of Midwifery" discusses natural birth

08 - Saida Desilets
Saida Desilets

Cultivating Energy & Omni-Orgasmic states

09 - Christiane Northrup
Christiane Northrup

Transforming the Culture of Birth

10 - Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova

Conscious Conception, Pregnancy & Birth

11 - Nekole Shapiro
Nekole Shapiro

The Body and Oxytocin

12 - Akal Kaur
Akal Kaur

Kundalini Energy & Childbirth

13 - Hari Kaur Khalsa
Hari Kaur Khalsa

The Sacred Spiritual Nature of Woman

14 - Laura Shanley
Laura Shanley

Birthing without Fear

15 - Jaiya

Preparing for my Ecstatic & Orgasmic Birth

16 Alison-Serour
Alison Serour

Visualization & Vocalization for Pain Free Birth

17 Casey Aksoy
Casey Aksoy

Anti-Racism & Birthwork

18 Christina Morassi
Christina Morassi

The Dark Feminine

19 Cori Neilson
Cori Neilson

Divine Feminine & Reiki reBirth

20 Crystal Gordon
Crystal Gordon

Creating a Thriving Foundation for Health

22 Devla Mahler
Devla Mahler

The Erotic Divine

23 Erika Alsborn
Erika Alsborn

Preparing your Sexual Body for Birth

24 Eva Louise Williams
Eva Louise Williams

Gates of Ecstasy

25 Gena McCarthy
Gena McCarthy

Weaving your Sacred Basket of Wholeness

26 Kendra E. Thornbury
Kendra E. Thornbury

Wealth Consiousness

27 Kimberly Ann Johnson
Kimberly Ann Johnson

Call of the Wild

28 Maha Al Musa
Maha Al Musa

Every Mother is a Midwife

29 Michelle Alva
Michelle Alva

Dissolving Stress into Pleasure

31 Sokhna Heathyre Mabin
Sokhna Heathyre Mabin

Nurturing the Seeds of Life

32 Stephanie Larson
Stephanie Larson

Dancing for Birth

33 Jenny Adams
Jenny Adams

Meet the Goddess: Orgasmic Activation

34 Jenny Martin
Dr. Jenny Martin

Cervix: The Power and the Pleasure

Testi - Debra PB

"Wise, joyful, and sensuous are the words that flow as I think of Sheila sharing her writing and wisdom on Ecstatic- Birth! I love her insights as she guides us to reconnect with our feminine power, knowledge and intuition."

Debra Pascali-Bonaro

Director and Author, Advanced Doula Trainer, Chair of International Mother/ Baby Childbirth Initiative

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How it works

Accessible Online Learning Platform

All accessible on demand in our private membership site!

The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training Platform is delivered online, so you can:

  • Join from wherever in the world you are
  • Study at whatever time of day suits you,
  • Use whatever device you feel most comfortable with.

Live Trainings and Gatherings:

  • All live integration sessions and community connections calls are hosted on Zoom
  • Replays of all live sessions are made available in our online platform in case you can't make it.
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  • Videos


  • Transcripts


  • Worksheets

  • Body Practices

​What to expect: Radical transformation in your relationship to your body and feminine power!

+ ALL Graduates receive:
  • A Certificate of Completion, badges for your website and other marketing materials which denote you as an Ecstatic Birth Practitioner.
  • Access to promotional opportunities via Ecstatic Birth marketing channels
  • The opportunity to become a JV level affiliate for all Ecstatic Birth programs and create additional income streams for your birth business.
  • Continued access to the online Ecstatic Birth Practitioner private space and course materials.
  • Listing in an Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Online Directory at to receive local references and referals
  • Complimentary access to continued education as the core curriculum expands and evolves.
  • Invitation to become a part of an ongoing Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Grad Community for continued collaboration and support.
  • Priority and discounted enrollment at any future online trainings I offer for prenatal and birth practitioners

This course has been truly eye-opening regarding the possibilities for pleasure in birth, and in life!

Doula, USA

How it works

Student Results

Read some of the amazing results and practical applications our students are bringing to Families all over the world.
"My Clients don't Describe their Births as Painful!"

Samara Concepcion

Doula, UK

"My Clients really appreciate it"

Jada Wilson

Doula, USA

Sheila stands at a threshold, inviting us into our deepest pleasure, where bliss lives in us. Who doesn't need more of that??

Our work together has taken me into a place of ever deepening relaxation, of being in and feeling real pleasure. As a woman, I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to share in this exploration.

As a Doula, this work goes even deeper for me. I end up talking about pain (or rather people talk to me about their fear of pain) practically every day all day long. To break its pervasive hold, I needed to immerse myself in a conversation where pleasure can be a major part of the birth experience…of our life experience! Sheila has a gift in opening that door!

Catherine Stewart-Lindley

Labor Doula, Lactation Counselor, Holistic Health Counselor, Childbirth Educator New York, NY

"I've been having such success with women attaining such ecstatic and orgasmic births! I'm so grateful."

A new practitioner working in a country with a 80+% c-section rate.

Clara Costa, Childbirth Educator and Doula, Brazil

Incorporating body exercises that I learned in Sheila's training into my routine with my clients helped me to see how being in the body is an important component of ecstatic birth preparations.

I started to feel a sparkle in my eyes and feeling more joyful, by making sessions shorter and giving my clients multiple points of reference for pleasure they could experience here and now and bring into the birth room.

If you are birth practitioner that is intrigued by the idea of helping women in creating their Ecstatic Birth experience, I highly recommend you to start your journey by taking this training. It will transform your perspective, your connection to your body, bring you into a sisterhood with other practitioners and give you a lot of pleasure!"

Ekaterina Baranova

Birth doula and birth educator, Guatemala & Russia

for A Select group of Deeply committed practitioners: VIP-Advanced leadership track!

How it works...

VIP - Advanced Leadership Track

Business Coaching + Embodiment training + Leadership Mastermind = the most potent pathway to elevating consciousness and experiences in Birth. 

For fully motivated and committed practitioners:

The VIP - Advanced Leadership Program includes all elements of the core Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training curriculum + Monthly private sessions with Sheila, ongoing business support and bi-monthly leadership mastermind gatherings.

Our VIP - Advanced Leadership Program is for you if you are ready to:

  • Take your birth business to a whole new level with active mentorship and collaborative support
  • Clear the blocks in your body to your fullest embodiment of pleasure and orgasmic flow.
  • Stand in your leadership among other beautiful, powerful, visionary practitioners
  • Actively create YOUR reality and build your highest vision to thrive in business, life, and birth. (Rather than unconsciously perpetuating the baseline cultural "reality")

PLUS practical guidance to:

…release the daily "grind", live and work in alignment with your feminine design &

…build and elevate your business fully devoted to your passion and pleasure!

Limited spots available 

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The VIP- Advanced Leadership Track includes all the elements of the core training PLUS :

Business development

In Advanced Leadership you are fully supported to stand in your leadership and differentiate your birth business whether you are a seasoned birth professional or just launching your birth business.

Private 1:1 support is deeply transformative for releasing layers of resistance while also providing fundamental development and marketing strategies.

In addition, you have full access to Sheila throughout the year through email and voice notes. The whole spectrum of support from quick questions to reviewing websites and business plans is welcome.

Embodiment training

In Advanced Leadership we surpass the core foundation of embodiment training offered in the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training, by integrating personalized coaching and access to additional sensual and orgasmic expansion programs.

We address your unique blocks in the flow of your sexual energy and create personalized body practices to rewire and expand your capacity to access pleasure and oxytocin flow.

This high level personalized embodiment training cultivates your ability to hold the “tone for pleasure”  in your body, creating transformation in your birth work for your clients simply through your presence and transmission.

Leadership Mastermind

Develop empowerment in leadership in our intimate group mastermind. We navigate and diffuse common societal and cultural landmines that restrict your feminine flow and power.

  • Bi-monthly group training and mastermind sessions where we address sharing your voice, visibility, MONEY, safety and so much more!
  • Create deep meaningful collaborative relationships with others fiercly devoted to elevating the experiences of moms and babies around the globe.
  • Membership in a counter-culture of practitioners prioritizing their own nourishment and pleasure and sourcing their sacred work from this energy and deep alignment.
  • Whatsapp group for continous connection, support and inspiration.

Our Advanced Leadership Students speak ABout their immersive year within the Mastermind and Training.

Experienced an Ecstatic Birth and Ready to Launch her Birth Business

Lisa Weinstein

Advanced Leadership

L&D Nurse, Launched her own Birth Coaching Business

Lauren Segalla

Advanced Leadership

Compare Both Tracks Below!

Early Enrollment




$299 / mo.

x 15 months (or pay in full $3999, save $490+)
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  • 10 modules
  • 14 Live Trainings: Core Curriculum
  • 50+ Guest Teacher Masterclasses
  • 6 Bonus Live Trainings: Core Curriculum PLUS Business & Leadership Development
  • 50+ Guest Teacher Masterclasses
  • 12 Private Coaching Sessions with Sheila
  • 6 Leadership Mastermind Sessions with Sheila

Business Development

  • Client Roadmap and Transforming the Culture Modules
  • 1:1 Business Coaching
  • Marketing and Strategy Support
  • Leadership Mastermind
  • Unlimited Email and Voice Message Support

Embodiment Training

  • Ecstatic Birth Body Awakening Practices
  • Weekly Live Practice Sessions
  • Private Coaching
  • Personalized practices for your unique desires and points of resistance
  • A complimentary front row seat in all group Sensual Expansion offerings including Own your "O" & the Yoni Egg Series
  • Deep dive LIVE embodiment practice sessions from Sensual Expansion trainings


  • Monthly Connection Calls with Graduates
  • Online Forum
  • 3 Month Membership in Grad Community
  • Private Whatsapp Group
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Early Enrollment

Bonus + VIP



$499 / mo.

x 18 months (or pay in full $7999, save $1000+)
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  • 10 modules
  • 14 Live Trainings: Core Curriculum
  • 50+ Guest Teacher Masterclasses
  • 6 Bonus Live Trainings: Core Curriculum PLUS Business & Leadership Development
  • 50+ Guest Teacher Masterclasses
  • 12 Private Coaching Sessions with Sheila
  • 6 Leadership Mastermind Sessions with Sheila

Business Development

  • Client Roadmap and Transforming the Culture Modules
  • 1:1 Business Coaching
  • Marketing and Strategy Support
  • Leadership Mastermind
  • Unlimited Email and Voice Message Support

Embodiment Training

  • Ecstatic Birth Body Awakening Practices
  • Weekly Live Practice Sessions
  • Private Coaching
  • Personalized practices for your unique desires and points of resistance
  • A complimentary front row seat in all group Sensual Expansion offerings including Own your "O" & the Yoni Egg Series
  • Deep dive LIVE embodiment practice sessions from Sensual Expansion trainings


  • Monthly Connection Calls with Graduates
  • Online Forum
  • 6 Month Membership in Grad Community
  • Private Whatsapp Group
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About your Guide

Kamara Hay

Sheila Kamara Hay is a Yale and Columbia trained cultural sociologist passionate about transforming the landscape of birth from pain to pleasure. For over 10 years, Sheila has been empowering birth practitioners and expectant moms to honor the design of the body and integrate the most holistic birthing tool, PLEASURE, into birth preparation and support.   

The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training has certified visionary birth workers in over 25 countries to elevate their clients' experiences in childbirth, bringing ease and oxytocin flow into the birthing field through their own bodies, while holding the highest vision for birth and humanity.

A leader in the global Ecstatic Birth movement, Sheila is a sought after speaker and devoted teacher, unveiling the ECSTASY available in each moment at the intersection of sensuality, life and birth.

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There has never been a time like this.

Women are rising...

Reclaiming our connection to our bodies, our inner wisdom, our fierce feminine power.

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Childbirth is an essential piece of this reclamation!

It is a rite of passage, a portal for mothers raising the next generation to step into this power in deep connection to our bodies.

Those of us supporting mothers-to-be are the guides and wayshowers.

But first we must take this journey ourselves!

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Be a part of the growing revolution to transform birth from


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Let's Recap!

Here are all the ways you will be supported in this training, so you can go forward to support your clients and build flourishing practices:

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A 9 month WOMB and 4th trimester support!

This year long training is a rebirth for YOU as a woman and as a practitioner. You will be held securely in this container for 9 months, nourishing your body, mind, and soul as you evolve and integrate the paradigm of PLEASURE into your being and your work. Our final 3 months together provide 4th trimester support to help you fully stand in your Embodied Leadership!

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Home play

Each module includes suggested assignments to solidify the training and body practices. We also have weekly online discussion points following the Ecstatic Birth Training Sessions.

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Online trainings and content

Each month a new module of content goes live virtually and is delivered right to your inbox for you to soak in ahead of our live integration calls.

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Growing Global Community of Progressive Birth Professionals

Over the course of one year, you will connect with other birth workers through live and virtual discussions in our online space and private FB group. We learn so much from each other and create relationships that support us personally and professionally.

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Monthly Live (Video) Gatherings

Beginning in June we will meet virtually, monthly in the comfort of your home. Our live virtual sessions include 90 minutes of integration, discussion + Q&A. Virtual gatherings take place 2 weeks after each new module is released and provide an opportunity to delve deeper into the curriculum, discuss and connect live with other participants.

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Body Immersion

A full month of simple quick daily exercises to facilitate your embodiment of the pleasure principles we are studying and planning to support in our clients.

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Private Membership Site

A convenient and easy "hub" where all of our class content is located, including monthly modules, live trainings, Ecstatic Birth Training Session recordings and discussions, guest teacher masterclasses, practitioner directory, discussion forum and relevant course materials.

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BONUS!! Ecstatic Birth Training Sessions

Audio series featuring leaders and visionaries in women's health, pleasure and birth, including Dr. Christiane Northrup, Regena Thomaschauer, Ina May Gaskin, Jaiya, Sheri Winston, Aviva Romm, Debra Pascali- Bonaro, and many many more.

PLUS: The Ecstatic Birth
Practitioner Training earns you CEUs!

The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training has been approved for 59 CEUs through the
International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA).

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Pleasure is the most holistic birthing tool there is!


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Our students are bringing this important work to Mamas all over the world:

"This is really revolutionary!"

Robin Illian

Midwife, & Midwifery School Faculty

"It's been a very natural progression to infuse all that I've learned through my Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training into my work with clients…and not just my pregnant clients but all my women clients.

This is because at the core of Ecstatic Birth is the vibration of love and joy, pleasure and expansion, connection and alignment..

Through Sheila's Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training I've developed skills to guide clients to their truth, to what feels good to them and how to deepen their awareness of their body intelligence.

The training has equipped me with a language that speaks to a woman's heart because, despite a culture of misinformation, disempowerment and fear around birth, deep inside every woman is the knowing that birth is her super power. I believe women are so ready to receive and awaken the confirmation of what they already know deep inside. Ecstatic Birth is the way of the woman."

Dr Peta Elmer

Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Labor Doula  Victoria, Australia

"The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner training is near and dear to my heart not only because I am passionate about transformation childbirth in the U.S., but because it truly brought me healing and clarity that I will be forever grateful for. What I was not expecting to get out of the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner training:

Coming home to my own body. Knowing that I am safe. Feeling love and bliss inside of myself. Experiencing the richness of this human experience. My senses are now experiencing things they had never experienced before.

You may be wondering what this has to do with birth!!! Well, it's everything!!!!

Being present in your body and feeling pleasure is the thing that will allow the labor hormones to flow and will allow you to feel and trust the process.  It starts with us!"

Krystina Sloan 

Doula, Childbirth Educator, Certified Lactation Counselor Scottsdale, Arizona

"When I began this training, I had recently given birth to my second son. My birth was beautiful, ecstatic and orgasmic, just as my first son's birth also was, and all I wanted was to share this with the world, to make it know that it is SO possible! I lived it twice!

But I felt I needed a strong background to do it. My own experience was not enough. I did a doula training, but it didn't go deep in this direction. And, in fact, I didn't know WHY I had such orgasmic experiences, as I also previously thought it was a matter of good luck! When I discovered this training, I knew it was for me, and I knew it would change my life. But it totally exceeded all my highest expectations. I reconnected to my own body, integrated the body practices in my life in a way that at the end of the course, my nervous system was more regulated than ever before.

I started applying the deep knowledge around pleasure since my first doula client, since the very first modules of this journey, and improved my ability to connect and offer this pleasure to my clients more and more as we moved on. And the best thing was that I finally connected the dots and discovered why and how I did get to have two orgasmic ecstatic births. I tracked all the reasons. I discovered how I had been practicing my whole life, the exact things that would allow this experience.

So it demystified the idea that only some women can experience this. Actually, now I see that all women who experience this kind of birth "spontaneously" had actually already integrated these practices in her life, somehow. And for sure any woman can start during pregnancy, and not only transform the way they birth, but also the way they live. And even a woman who already had pleasurable births can immensely elevate her next birthing experience by applying the Ecstatic Birth Prep by turning these intuitive natural practices into something conscious and intentional.

I strongly recommend anyone interested in this course to just GO FOR IT. It delivered me so much more than I could imagine, and now I feel deeply deeply informed about pleasure and ecstasy in birth, and completely able to offer this pathway to my clients. It is the most incredible revolution someone could do in the Birth World.


Experienced UK Doula

Romy Finbow

Sexuality coach

Charlotte Eastaugh

Ecstatic Birth Advocate

Teresa Harper

What we do for ourselves directly gives to our clients

Krystina, Full Spectrum Doula

"My second go around with this training and it was even JUICER! It doesn't matter if you've been in this work for years or are just beginning to dip your toe, there are always more layers to unfold in this never ending treasure chest of Ecstatic Birth. I love how much this work has not only changed my life, but the life of my clients and those around me!"


"Hi my name is Jacqueline and I'm a midwife from Austria. When I first heard about the Ecstatic Birth Training I was curious, because I've never heard something like this. I'm so grateful that I signed up for this program because it changed many parts of my life. I see the experience of birth in a different light and I've learned many things about myself and how pleasure affects everything in your life. For me it is also key to be authentic and speak your truth."

Jacqueline Kien

"I cannot recommend this course enough! It is rich in high quality information from many of the world's leading-practitioners in Ecstatic Birth in digestible bite-sized pieces. There is a beautiful emphasis on community where one will not feel alone in their journey deeper into themselves, birth and life. I have felt supported, celebrated and accounted-for through this whole journey, and continue to reach new layers and depths within myself and my life."

Lucy Forrest



"I've never experienced this type of authenticity. Thank you for the incredible community"

Nyissia - PHD candidate

"I joined the EBPT after meeting Sheila on a Sacred Sexuality Coaching program. I loved the material she was sharing via email and the conversations to transform birth. I listened to many as I prepared to birth my second son. My birth experience was out of this world, ecstatic and orgasmic...I knew after this I wanted to support women to experience the elevated bliss possible in this powerful initiation and where better to go for support in that than to Sheila who had been doing this sacred work for over 10 years.

Sheila has the most dedicated and passionate integrity to her mission and that comes through in every aspect of this training. Her live calls are so beautifully held, so very nourishing. The way she has crafted the training is very multifaceted and easy to integrate with life as a mama, and supportive of life as a mama. The practices are gorgeous and really amplify pleasure and presence in our body and lives. The lectures are so inspiring with some incredibly inspirational teachers.

Sheila goes above and beyond when it comes to supporting you on your personal journey and as birth worker.

This work is SO very important and we can't do it alone so if you're wanting to bring more pleasure into your life and your work sign up! If you show up for what is being offered you will certainly elevate your own experience and hopefully the experience."


"In my certification Pelvic floor program, I was studying the theory and practice of how to help women to experience non-traumatic and pleasurable birth. The pelvic floor program was based on physical exercise and knowledge of pelvic floor anatomy, so when I started the course, I was aware It was possible.

Yet my experience was so tiny.

When I started Sheila's training, I can say that regular practice, meditation, support of the community, webinars, and providing information about other women's Ecstatics birth experiences opened me so much, and I have expanded my body-mind connection to a different level.

This course is MASTERPIECE ABOUT OUR MOTHER NATURE GIFT -PLEASURE. Every woman must get to know and experience it.

I am so grateful to Sheila for creating such a fantastic course for women; she is a knowledgeable, radiant, and attentive teacher.


Nadiya Williams

"When I started my EBPT I knew I had to be part of this movement but I didn't know why my soul so badly wanted me to be part of this training. Now I know: this training brought me in a deep connection with myself, my wonderful body and my deepest desires.

I learned to listen to my deepest desires and my pleasure first as this is the way my soul is communicating with me. I am sooo alive now, I feel that I transformed deeply as a feminine and that I was able to integrate my whole feminine self, which is soooo healing. Naturally this has all to do with birth, as birth is the cumulation of live, of being alive.

I just loooove to be part of this wonderful like minded community and although I know that there is still a lot of work that needs to be done, it feels so absolutely amazing to start (and continue) my travel with EB."

Marlene Tagwerker

"The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner training that Sheila has birthed into being has been such an amazing experience and I am so excited to bring more of this work to my clients and community. It has been one of my favorite trainings so far and I can’t wait to have more time to dig in even deeper into the All that Is this training! It is well organized, has an amazing flow and Sheila is such a gifted teacher. It has opened me to experience so much more joy in my life and my practice. I am beyond grateful."

Jen Ballew

"This course has been truly eye-opening regarding the possibilities for pleasure in birth, and in life! The guest teachers are all experts in their field, and Sheila does a wonderful job pulling it all together. I've learned so much and have a huge stack of reading material to go deeper. This course really will change the way you view birth and its transformation of women, as well as connect with your own body and inner wisdom so you can better support birthing families."

Meagan Noble

"Sheila stands at a threshold, inviting us into our deepest pleasure, where bliss lives in us. Who doesn't need more of that?? Our work together has taken me into a place of ever deepening relaxation, of being in and feeling real pleasure. As a woman, I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to share in this exploration.

As a Doula, this work goes even deeper for me. I end up talking about pain (or rather people talk to me about their fear of pain) practically every day all day long. To break its pervasive hold, I needed to immerse myself in a conversation where pleasure can be a major part of the birth experience…of our life experience! Sheila has a gift in opening that door!"

Catherine Stewart-Lindley

Labor Doula, Lactation Counselor, Holistic Health Counselor, Childbirth Educator New York, NY

"Incorporating body exercises that I learned in Sheila's training into my routine with my clients helped me to see how being in the body is an important component of ecstatic birth preparations. I started to feel a sparkle in my eyes and feeling more joyful, by making sessions shorter and giving my clients multiple points of reference for pleasure they could experience here and now and bring into the birth room

If you are birth practitioner that is intrigued by the idea of helping women in creating their Ecstatic Birth experience, I highly recommend you to start your journey by taking this training. It will transform your perspective, your connection to your body, bring you into a sisterhood with other practitioners and give you a lot of pleasure!"

Ekaterina Baranova

Russian birth doula and birth educator, Guatemala

Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a few answers to our most common questions

I hear you and I want you know that this program was created to fit within the pace of your life, not despite it!  Every Sunday you will receive an email with the course materials and relevant links for the upcoming week.  The weekly commitment to go through all the course materials and attend live calls is a maximum of 3 hours. All the body practices, which I recommend you do at least 3-4x/ week are less than 8 minutes long. I am a big believer that small practices done consistently create monumental change!  
The truth is, you make time for the things that are important to you. I suggest putting all the live call dates in your calendar upfront and blocking three hours/ week to really engage with the material. That said, I get it. Sometimes life takes over. We will have several integration weeks to give you a chance to catch up if you fall behind.  

We kick off with our orientation call on June 13th at 1pm ET. Live integration sessions are generally Tuesdays, monthly at 1pm ET. There are also bonus practice sessions offered Mondays at 10am and monthly Community Connection Calls which rotate times.  If you are unable to make it live, I've got you covered. You'll be able to pre-submit your questions so I can answer them on any Q+As that you are unable to make live. All sessions are recorded and posted for easy access in our private online space. 

Yes! Thank you for asking. This is a unique opportunity to mentor with me and get personalized support, practices, and integration throughout the year. As an added layer to the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training, I will support 10 practitioners who are fully committed to the vision of Ecstatic Birth in embodying and bring this work out into the world in their unique way. In addition to everything you get in the regular track, Advanced Leadership includes monthly 1:1 coaching sessions and group mastermind sessions. Private coaching offers an opportunity for laser focused support around any "sticky spots" you encounter as you open to pleasure in your body and stand more firmly in your sacred work. Group sessions empower you in your leadership with themes such as: wealth consciousness, being visible, & creating counterculture. If you are interested and would like to discuss it further to see if it is a good fit please email with the subject "Advanced Leadership Track".


Yes! You can pay in full or via a payment plan.  The earlier you register the longer the payment plan and more accessible the monthly payments.

I have intentionally kept the price of this program low even though what you actually get is easily worth more than ten times as much. I want this to feel like an easy YES. If you feel the YES in your body, but still feel stumped by the financials, consider these Qs:

What is the cost of NOT doing the program? What if you are to continue on the path you are now, fully immersed in the pain game of childbirth? What is the cost to your body? To your optimism? To your ability to stand for the vision of what you know is possible? To your ability to serve your clients?

You are worth the investment. As are your clients.

I do reserve a number of seats in the program at adjusted price points. Please contact me if you live in a country where the currency is significantly devalued against the US to receive Purchase Price Parity consideration.  I also offer a limited number of partial scholarships for women who are actively doing birthwork, particularly in underserved communities, but are unable to pay full tuition.  Please email me ( for consideration.

I do not offer full scholarships as there is a foundational amount of resource required to be successful in this program.

For sure! The breadth and depth of wisdom here and the unique integration of pleasure and body practices into birth work is not available anywhere else on the planet. This course is just as great for someone just getting started as it is for someone who has been working for years because you will all be getting exposed to this material for the first time.

Yes, I stand by the quality of this program. It comes with a full, 7-day money back guarantee from the date of your registration. While the live component of this training begins in June, upon registration you get access to a significant amount of course content. If you determine it is not a good fit for you, you will receive a prompt and courteous refund.

Yes, the Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training has been approved for 59 CEUs through the International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA). ICEA credits are honored by most certifying organizations, but please do check with yours.

The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training:

Inspiring, Empowering, & Oh. So. Pleasurable

Sheila Image

I'll be giving you everything I've got. Are you ready to receive it?

If you are a full bodied YES to the paradigm shift that Ecstatic Birth represents and our hearts, visions, and goals are aligned,  grab your spot in this training!

Together we can revolutionize the world of birth in a way that not one of us can do alone.

In love and PLEASURE,

Sheila Signature
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