A Revolutionary combination of information, mindset shifts, tools and practices to prepare for PLEASURE in childbirth!! O BABY! is the very heart of my work, the distillation of all my training and research in one very potent and sexy package!
O BABY! is everything I wish I would have known when preparing for my first birth– the very things that could have prevented my traumatic birth (and support you in creating your ECSTATIC Birth!) 💕
Expectant and Future Mamas, read on….

The Ecstatic Birth Practitioner Training
Birthworkers, do you want your clients to experience birth as the natural and ecstatic rite of passage it was meant to be? Do you desire new tools to elevate birth experiences from pain so mothers feel empowered? Do you feel committed to revolutionizing birth from fear and victimization to a sacred and liberating portal? I’ve got something special just for you…

The Ecstatic
Goddess Circle
The Ecstatic Goddess Circle is an invitation to come together with others forging this revolutionary new path, one that honors the body and the feminine.
We will explore the underlying design of the Feminine FLOW of Creation™ - a blueprint that will lead you back to your body, amplify your ecstatic pleasure, and allow you to realize your deepest desires with ease and joy!

Private Training
For women who are ready to really go for it…
…who are fully committed to the idea of birthing their babies in pleasure and
…are ready to plunge full heart and soul into their Ecstatic Birth prep…
I offer a private training journey, custom tailored for you and your desires.